Check out the Bayonne Rotary Accomplishments for 2011-2012!
•    RYLA – Four Students in 2012 - R.Y.L.A. stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. RYLA is Rotary's leadership training program for young people.  Each year local Rotary Clubs seek outstanding High School Juniors to represent their communities at this all-expense paid six-day conference focusing on leadership, team-building, professional development and community service ethics. Attendees join with other talented young people representing more than forty diverse communities from throughout the District to forge a networked community dedicated to the principles of Team, Leadership, and Service Above Self.
•    Interact Clubs @ BHS & HF – Two clubs established in Bayonne – Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting.
Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of:
•    Developing leadership skills and personal integrity
•    Demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others
•    Understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work
•    Advancing international understanding and goodwill
As one of the most significant and fastest-growing programs of Rotary service, with more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon. Almost 200,000 young people are involved in Interact.
•    Christmas Holiday Party – Kindergarten Children entertain Rotary and receive presents from Santa.
•    Student of the Month
•    Academic Challenge
•    Chess Challenge
•    Dictionary Project – Free Dictionaries distributed to all third graders.
•    Gift of Life - The District 7490 Gift of Life Program serves children with congenital heart conditions who live in areas of the world where vital cardiovascular facilities and procedures are not available. District 7490 has sponsored over 300 children from a diverse group of nations. Sponsoring Rotary Clubs and host families are the heart beat of the Gift of Life program. Each involved individual opens up his or her heart and home to the child and family in need of services. The family lives with the local family for anywhere from three weeks to as long as nine months while the child is undergoing life-saving medical procedures.
•    Rotary Citizenship Awards
•    Teacher of the Year Awards
•    Bayonne Rotary Vocational Endowment Fund – Two Scholarships $1,000 – two $500 vocational scholarship checks awarded this year.
•    Water Well Relief Program - $6,000 raised by Bayonne School children for water wells in third world countries.  Partnered with the Maywood Rotary Clun (6,073.42) for Water Well Project in Kenya.  Also, ongoing Wter Well project in Haiti.  Water Well Project Appreciation Breakfast for students and teachers.
•    Proyecto Science Project – Supported two students Tuition for 8th Grade Student Science Project attending the Summer Science Program at NJ City University Summer Science Program.
•    Evening Networking Sessions – Janice K. Hall  PM opportunity for the AM-Impaired
•    Walter D. Head Foundation – District 7490 $10,000 scholarship awarded for post graduate work in International Studies.  This year, $150,000 raised by American Japanese Doctors went through the Foundation to atomic victim relief in Japan.
•    Polio Plus – Rotary International has all but wiped out Polio worldwide.
•    Built Good Will and Friendships with the Community & Fellow Rotarians.
All Part of Rotary’s Five Avenues if Service: 1. Community Service; 2. Club Service; 3. Vocational Service; 4. International Service; and New Generations Service.