Club Service Committee
Club Service
Focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the smooth functioning of Rotary Clubs. Learn about effective club service in Membership and Training
Chairperson: Dr. Gwen Giannina
Attendance: Maureen Caswell
Classifications: Dr. Noah DeKoyer
Membership: Dr. David Grodberg
Rotary International: Dave Seeley
Club Bulletin: Maureen Caswell
Club Chaplain: Rev. Dorothy Patterson
Program Director: Maureen Caswell
Fund Raisers/Super Bowl: V. Virga/S. Monte
Super 50/50: Dr. Gwen Giannina
Internet ICO: S. J. Monte
District Conference: Silvana Buccianti
Historian: Vin LoRe, Al Resnick
President’s Ball: Erika Monte
Installation Dinner: V. LoRe, M. Caswell
By Laws: Dave Seeley
Parliamentarian: Dr. David Grodberg