Olivia humada, Silvana Buccianti, Noah DeKoyer, Jacqueline Farber, Nicole Fedrow, Cindy Guarini, Dawn Herring, Hal Kawalek, Melissa Rada, Cindi Sisk-Galvin, Steve Stamos, Donna Trimblett
6:17 PM- Pledge
6:17PM- Rotary Prayer- Dawn Herring
6:18 PM- 4 Way Test
Meeting was brought to order at 6:19 PM by Rotary President Cindy Guarini. She introduced our AG Emory Edwards who wanted to know if we have selected a President Elect. He was advised that we did not as of yet.
- Alice Bell President of The JC Golden Door stated that she appreciates that we included their club in our meeting and she is looking forward to future meetings with us.
- Rotary Club of Bayonne to hold the District Assembly in April date TBD
- President Elect Meeting training Pre PETS 2024-2025.
- PETS Set for the 4th weekend in March at The East Hanover Marriott.
- Cindy announced that our DG stated that our cub is the only club that has a calendar planned for the entire year.
- To increase membership the district has offered to pay dues for 2 years for 2 new members. The first year they will pay the District Dues and the Rotary International dues. The 2nd year they will will pay just the District dues. Look at your club try to attract some younger members that can not pay the dues right now or people that will make an impact on your club.
- Annual District Conference is in Galloway NJ from May 3rd-May 5th 2024 Send a group to learn about the district.
Bernadette K from the Jersey City Golden Door Rotary Club was in attendance to speak about the Rotary Foundation. Bernadette has been around for a long time and has been involved with many Global Projects. She is Past President for 3 years. The following topics were discussed.
Polio Foundation: The Gates Foundation matches all Polio Donations with no limit.
Endow Foundation: Donations are put away, the principal never gets touched they use only the interest toward programs.
Annual Fund: Donations are set aside for 3 years . After 3 years you will get your money back 50% goes to District and 50% goes towards World Funds.
3 Levels of Contributions July-June:
Every Rotarian donates $25.00 per year. They keep this amount low so they will get more people to contribute.
Sustaining Member-$100.00 per year
Paul Harris Society-$1,000.00 per year
Paul Harris Major Donor-$10,000.00 per year
Arch Klumph Society: $250,000.00 per yer
District Grants: Jay Fowler is our District Grant Contact. The Rotary Board decides where the money goes. Project size min $30,000.00 with a International Partner. New projects $500 is the smallest and $30,000.00 is the maximum. The time period to apply for grants is early in the 1st quarter. You must have your 501C3 paperwork and your financials.
The JC Golden Door Rotary monthly events:
Alice Bell- Service Projects
Stephanie Glover-Wilson-Hunger Free founder and President.
January- Team up with St. Peter's Prep
January 30th- Post 2224 Bingo with Veterans
February- BHS Alternate Ed/Club Cook healthy meals ad donations of pasta.
Spring Annual Meeting at Post 2224
February 3, 2024- Giving out food place TBD
March 26, 2024- Meeting each Member to bring 1 or 2 guest to learn about Rotary.